After 2009, thermal underwear road to where

Thermal underwear market has gone through more than 10 years, thermal underwear has just started when consumers by the favor, but the thermal underwear market in this decade has undergone enormous changes, today, thermal underwear in the end what to do?

Thermal underwear has just begun to surfaced to create a myth of the fashion industry, from the beginning of the investor has been favored by investors Yu's popular rush. In 1999 and 2000 thermal underwear reached a hot peak. After 2001, the competition will be heated up. Technology fights, price wars, advertising wars, speculation, price comparison, climbing stars and various competitions. The collective price of water in 2003, declared the thermal underwear bubble burst of prosperity, thermal underwear profit era has finally drawn to an end. Experienced this vigorous development process, after 2007, China's thermal underwear began to enter the incubation period. In 2009, thermal underwear market pattern is basically obvious, the transformation of these two words, is the manufacturer or dealer more mentions. Thermal underwear go from here? Perhaps there are opportunities for the market to appear.

Thermal underwear
brand breakthrough

Arrays have slipped to the price of about one hundred yuan thermal underwear is no interest, not for the mall to contribute profit margins, and spring and summer withdrawal cabinet Overtaking the practice of OTC also affect the overall planning of the mall, the national withdrawal of four, thermal underwear from pride Reduced to beggars. "Has been withdrawn from the mall," "stores rely on a brand can not be profitable," "What to sell in the spring and summer?" This is a common agent of the difficulties. At first half a year to take a good rest for six months no longer, so many agents began to withdraw from the underwear industry, have switch.

Cats in their own original brand image based on the introduction of the sub-brand operations, that is, "Millow", "Millow secret", "Miiow sports", want to emerge from the thermal underwear brand out of fashion
sexy sports Women's clothing, to create an international image, in 2009 to fully launch market investment, the effect of how the market yet to be tested. There are some brands in the thermal underwear industry once again product segmentation, such as the introduction of Wajizu Waichuan underwear, three guns launched the business underwear, but the end result is paid and not in proportion to the return, invested in the breakdown of the product A lot of publicity, but did not get the desired result. The highest annual profit contribution is still the traditional conventional underwear.

How to get out of the mud in the thermal underwear? First consider this issue is not the manufacturer but the dealer, the distributor is the first to feel the winter market thermal underwear, manufacturers did not actively respond to the premise of the policy, many agents began to transform themselves, and some to do
women's , some do shoes served. Product segmentation, you put into advertising others to follow up the product, which is the status quo of product marketing in China, especially in the thermal underwear this low threshold of the industry, the performance is more obvious. Although the division of marketing by the planners as a classic, but in general you are positioning yourself in a range of divisions, you will always be able to get out of that world, a great obstacle to brand extension.